RasterSplitter.splitTop( panelNo, size, newContent )

Inserts new content at the top of a panel. The panel identified by panelNo is further splitted into top and bottom panels resulting in a new splitter instance. The top panel (panel 1) will be size pixels high. The bottom panel (panel 2) will take the remaining vertical space.

The former content (prior to the split operation occuring) is placed in the new bottom panel. The newContent (if any) is placed in the new top panel. If no new content was given, the new top panel is left empty.


Name Type   Description
panelNo number ID of the panel to be splitted: 1 or 2.
size number Height of the inserted top panel.
newContent value One of the following: a string containing the ID of a DOM element, a reference to a DOM element, or another raster control object. If this argument is null or omitted, the top panel is left empty.


Type Description
object The splitter resulting from this operation. Panel 1 will be aligned to the top with a height of size pixels; panel 2 will be at the bottom holding the former content.
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